Clearance Application Assistance

Over 8% of all security clearance applications from contractor personnel are rejected due to improper or incomplete forms submission, resulting in delays ranging from four to eight weeks. The application forms provide no guidance regarding the inclusion of additional issue mitigation using either the “Optional Comments” fields or attachments. Additional information provided by the applicant can be critical to the granting of an interim clearance, the speed at which their case is processed, and the granting of a final clearance. This service will help applicants identify and properly articulate information that tends to mitigate security/suitability issues and recommend the best method of presenting this information in the clearance application form. It will also help applicants avoid the pitfalls of providing inaccurate or incomplete answers to questions on the forms, as well as the tendency to read too much into the questions. (Estimated average range of charges: 3 to 6 hours)

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Additional Services

Clearance Assessment

Evaluates a client’s situation, determines the importance of the issues presented, identifies mitigating factors, and proposes courses of action to…

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Clearance Q&A

This service provides a detailed written email response to questions about federal clearance processing, procedures, policies, and standards.

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Clearance Application Assistance

Insures applicants avoid errors and omission that could result in multi-month delays in clearance processing.

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Interim Clearance Issue Mitigation

Because the decision to grant an interim clearance is made before an investigation is completed, mitigating security issues during the application stage is critical to obtaining an interim clearance.

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Subject Interview Preparation

Clients are advised about mitigating information they should volunteer during a Subject Interview and assisted in identifying and/or preparing documents they should give to the investigator.

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Need Help Obtaining or Renewing A Security Clearance?