Hearing Preparation & Representation

When responding to a Statement of Reasons (SOR), most federal contractors have the right to request a hearing in front of a Defense Office of Hearings & Appeals (DOHA) Administrative Judge (AJ). Alternatively they can choose to have a DOHA AJ decide their case based solely on the written record.  This is known as a “FORM” (File Of Relevant Material) response. A well-crafted SOR response can result in the granting of a clearance without the need to have their case presented to a judge at a hearing or by a “FORM.”  DoD civilian employees and military personnel are entitled to an appeal hearing (called a Personal Appearance) before a DOHA AJ, but only after their clearance has been denied or revoked. Procedures for other agencies vary, but all include the right to a hearing or personal appearance. When an SOR response by itself is unsuccessful, a client can choose have a FEDCAS clearance consultant represent them at a hearing or prepare their FORM response.  Clients can also choose to represent themselves. If they choose to represent themselves, FEDCAS can advise them about hearing procedures and strategies and help them prepare scripts for opening/closing statements and help with the testimony their witnesses will present. The cost of representation by a FEDCAS consultation varies greatly depending on the quality of the original SOR response and on the location of the hearing.  Today many DOHA hearings and personal appearances are done by Video Teleconference.  (Average range of charges 8 to 25 hours, plus travel time and expenses, if any.)

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Additional Services

Clearance Assessment

Evaluates a client’s situation, determines the importance of the issues presented, identifies mitigating factors, and proposes courses of action to…

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Clearance Q&A

This service provides a detailed written email response to questions about federal clearance processing, procedures, policies, and standards.

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Clearance Application Assistance

Insures applicants avoid errors and omission that could result in multi-month delays in clearance processing.

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Interim Clearance Issue Mitigation

Because the decision to grant an interim clearance is made before an investigation is completed, mitigating security issues during the application stage is critical to obtaining an interim clearance.

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